Disney is great at keeping things quiet but we have a first detailed look at the ride layout for Rise of the Resistance where we can see how the attraction plays out.
This is an interactive dark ride that combines both live-action and animatronics in order to bring guests into one of their most thrilling stories yet. The story will take place on a rebel base where guests are recruited to join the fight against the evil empire.
@cgnsnewsreviews over on Instagram specializes in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge and were the first to release this information. The plans aren’t from Disney but hand-drawn from the experience of the ride’s layout.
The attraction will start out with a ride on a transport shuttle that is captured by the empire. From there, guests will be taken into an interrogation room where they will have to use their wits and skills to escape. There are plenty of surprises along the way.
Let’s get into the Rise of the Resistance Ride Layout
In Star Wars: Rise Of The Resistance, players are placed in an immersive battle between the First Order and the Resistance.
First, you will enter the Resistance base on Batuu, a secret hideaway nestled among ancient ruins. The long and elaborate ride queue awaits you outside on ground level.

As you make your way through the queue you are also making your way into this hidden world. Here debriefings await after your mission with information that may be helpful if followed correctly!
Then you will enter a Resistance I-TS Shuttle and get sent into space, the ride is amazing but things will be taking a turn shortly!
The ride has two floors. You both begin and end on floor one.
I consider the queue the first part of the ride because one of the greatest things about ROR is that you can’t tell when exactly the ride starts.
Part 2 is that Resistance I-TS Shuttle ride to space. Make sure to get a good view because the shuttle is TAKEN by a tractor beam. Next thing you know, you are stuck on board a First Order Star Destroyer.
One of the best visual parts of the show happens at this point so I will mention it again, get a good view!
Part 3 you are now a prisoner. You will be sent to your cell block. But The Resistance finds a way to get you out! You will now move to the loading area of the ROR ride. Things are about to get serious.
Get ready to face off vs. the First Order and worse of all, Kyloe Ren as we get into part 4. It’s fun, fast, and everything you would want in a Star Ways showdown.
As we know, Disney is the best when it comes to riding technology so you will not be disappointed when it comes time to be face to face with Kylo Ren.
Is the ride done yet?
Definitely not!
Even the smallest of fans know what AT-AT Walkers are. And the big fans will be anticipating the opportunity to see them full-sized and up close and personal. Part 5 captures this amazing battle with top-of-the-line special effects.
It’s hard to put part 5 in words as you move through the ride and experience the fight. But let’s head up to the second floor as we get to part 6.
As you meet up with the other crew, you start moving in parallel with the other ride vehicle. I was tense with anticipation for what was going to come next here.

The battle continues through the gun room (7) until you finally get to the escape pods (8). It’s time to go! Let’s head down to the first floor and continue this ride!
In room 9 you land and make your way back to Batuu in room 10.
There is so much more to this ride as you go through it, to think I didn’t even mention the briefing. But, I will save some of it for your first experience.
Some Rise of the Resistance Ride FAQ
How far is the drop on the Rise of the Resistance ride?
There is no drop on the Rise of the Resistance ride.
Can you see Kylo Ren in the Rise of the Resistance ride?
Yes, you can see Kylo Ren in the Rise of the Resistance ride.
Is there a height requirement for the Rise of the Resistance ride?
There is no height requirement for the Rise of the Resistance ride.
Is the Rise of the Resistance ride scary?
The Ride isn’t scary, but it is intense. You will be fighting Kylo Ren after all!
What is the trick to getting on the Rise of the Resistance?
There is no trick to getting on the Rise of the Resistance. The attraction will have a regular standby line and a Lightning Lane available.
How long is the wait for the Rise of the Resistance?
The wait time for the Rise of the Resistance will vary depending on what time of year you are visiting and what day it is. However, the ride is expected to have a long wait time.
Can you take pictures on the Rise of the Resistance?
Guests are not allowed to take pictures on the Rise of the Resistance. This is because the attraction is heavily themed and guests need to stay in their seats for the duration of the ride.
How does the Rise of Resistance ride work?
The Rise of the Resistance ride is a dark ride that features four different parts. Guests will be assigned to one of two ride vehicles that will move in parallel with each other. The attraction features state-of-the-art animatronics and special effects.
Does Rise of the Resistance have different rides?
Some Disney rides do have various tracks so this question makes sense. However, the Rise of the Resistance does not have different rides.

What is the duration of the Rise of the Resistance ride?
The duration of the Rise of the Resistance is about 20 minutes.
The ride is a lot of fun and it’s definitely worth trying out. Make sure to get in line early because the wait time can get pretty long. Thanks for reading our ride layout! We hope you enjoy the ride as much as we did.